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The Temple

on Aug 5, 2024 by baobao

You know how they say it's always darkest before...it's always, um, the big light in the sky uh has to go out before it turns back on.

We've had over 4000 alpha testers so far, some of whom, I assume, are good people. Everything is going according to plan, and you (yes you!) are one of our best plan-trusters. You deserve the world, but most of all, you deserve a place to hang out with other bozos; buying eggs, winning money and just having a ball.

The main challenge with building any community-oriented site is called "bootstrapping," I don't know what it means because I don't wear boots, but it has something to do with how you need to start by building a bunch of crap to get people to use your site, but the crap doesn't work if there aren't a lot of people using it, catch-22.

Well folks, the crap has been piling up, we are nearing crap critical mass, and honey, it's almost time to wipe.

Many have been saying that the update after this one would include a new Crawler biome. Fact check: TRUE ✅ . The new biome is called Seashore and will be accompanied by the ability to save your game and probably some new relics, and, maybe, also a new landmark. After that, we'll turn on betting, change the little "alpha" tag in our logo to "beta", and open the floodgates.

We also have 2 smaller games in production, one of which is being worked on by @Dun, who also happens to be very good at Degen Crawler. So if you see him in the chat make sure to say "Hey Dun, please tell me about the upcoming games and also about how to be very good at Degen Crawler." and he will have to do it, because it's his job.


  • Add praying at the Temple. Pray every day at the Temple to earn Freggs. Freggs are the free currency of Degen Dungeons, and will soon be used all over the site.
  • Add Freggraiser raffle at the Temple. We needed something to do with your Freggs for testing, so please spend your Freggs in the Freggraiser! Winners will receive a rare avatar.
  • Add Eggroll. Click the egg balances at the top of the site to visit your Eggroll.
  • Add Heat 🔥🔥🔥. Many activities around Degen Dungeons will generate Heat. You can see your current heat level as an icon next to your name. Currently there are 3 levels: Frozen, Melted, and On Fire. Heat represents both how active and how fortunate a degen currently is. As in real life, Heat decreases over time, so you've got to stay active to stay hot.
  • Add Recent Activity on profiles. Most actions will now be recorded in each degen's Recent Activity feed, where you can see what you and your friends have been up to.
  • Add 7 new avatars: Thanks for Praying, Ten Fregg Omelette, Write Off, Ticket to Ride, Yapper, Future of Finance, and Crab Rangoon. You'll have to find them!
  • Add global and local announcements. Global site announcements, like big Crawler wins, and the winners of the Freggraiser, will pop down from the top of the chat. Personal events, like avatar unlocks and increasing your heat level, will show a notification at the bottom of your screen, but they also have a chance of being included on the global marquee at the top of the chat (keep an eye out!)


  • Improve scaling, especially on large and small displays. Things should look better now, and also make better use of the available space.
  • Add experimental fullscreen mode (Alt/Option+Enter.) We might not keep this, but it does work!
  • Add leaderboards. These are just for fun and may not be accurate yet!
  • Fix title of Camp.

Cluck cluck 🐔