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Stats and Plans

on Mar 11, 2024 by baobao

We are pleased to report that the highly advanced alien technology we used to build the site easily survived the intense pounding it received from the just over 1000 degens that made accounts and played a combined total of around 3000 dungeon runs in Degen Crawler over our first week.

For your pleasure, I've used my TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator to analyze the numbers and cooked up a little peek behind the curtains for those interested. If you're not interested (lame?), skip to the end, where I talk about what's to come.

The Numbers

The average floor reached for all champions was 5. If you ever got further than that, congratulations, you can now proudly proclaim yourself to be ABOVE AVERAGE!

The Renegade was the most popular champion to play as, being selected 38% of the time, while the Barbarian was the least popular at only 26%.

The chance to beat all 20 floors averaged 7%, with Sorcerer in the top spot at 8%, Barbarian at 7%, and Renegade at 6%.

Top Degens

Some degens are built different though. Some degens are simply so cracked that games pose no challenge to them. These degens come from the finest and most elite stock of gamers the world has to offer, and we're happy to have them here on degen dungeons dot com, and to recognize them for their achievements.

6 degens beat every floor 4 or more times, with an average winrate of 26% between them! Top players do much better than average. How do they do it though? SHEER FORCE OF WILL AND TRUST IN THE POWER OF GOB. I assume.

The degens that came out on top last week are GuttyKreum with 8 wins, dun with 6, and with 4 wins each: Blackstar, Mantequilla, Mastervanish, and Pouet.

The most runs by a single degen was 4lch4 with 35 runs 😮

Congrats to our top degens and thank you for playing! A special avatar or flair is coming your way, we just need to add that feature to the site first, which brings me to my next point.

What's next

Right now we're working on:

  • Some very minor fixes and QoL improvements for Crawler. After that, Crawler will be put on the backburner for a bit while we develop other important site features. Don't fret, there are many more zones, relics, abilities, and events on the way.
  • Integrating Solana to accept payments for our premium currency: eggs. Eggs will be used for premium plays in all of our games, and also for special site perks.
  • Developing the unlockable avatar system. Players will be able to unlock avatars to use in chat and display on their profiles for completing achievements on the site. Aside from the avatars for the team you've already seen, the first avatars we'll give out will be to our Top Degens above, and also to anyone that played in our first week.
  • Finishing our first minigame. I can't say much, but it's a shared experience, and it involves beer. Keep your eye on the town map. The world of Degen Dungeons will include numerous minigames alongside a few flagship titles like Degen Crawler.

We're a tiny team, but rest assured, we are always working to bring you more in a timely fashion. This is just the beginning.

Cluck cluck 🐔