Welcome to Degen Dungeons! If you played Alpha 1, welcome back; if you're new here, enjoy your stay.
The first game in our world is a permadeath roguelike called Degen Crawler, and over the past 6 months we've leveraged highly advanced alien technology to programmatically balance it over millions of runs into something that should truly play like a never before seen hybrid of core gaming and gambling.
This test features all new abilities, all new items, an incredible soundtrack, 4 new landmarks, turbo mode, a new character class, and MUCH MORE THAN I CAN LIST. See if you can beat the boss on floor 20. Only world class degenerates will be able to conquer all 50 of the floors we have planned for the hardest game mode.
To your right ➡ you'll find the site chat. We are building a virtual world of games. This chat will be the focal point of vibes in that world. You'll soon be able to unlock avatars for in game achievements, issue challenges, and post your wins to the chat.
We've also made a lot of progress on a minigame that will occupy the tavern in town, the release of which will coincide with beta, and our rollout of betting 😈. Keep your eye on the buildings in town.
Our goal is to deliver a world of games that are as at home in your Steam collection as they are in a casino.
The team will be around to chat between shifts at the cool games factory if you want to say hey.
Cluck cluck 🐔