3:11:40 AM
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Stairs descend deeper into the darkness. Will you fold or press on?

The goal of every run is to reach the exit, over and over, until you WIN.

Runs are broken down into zones of 10 floors. Each zone is assigned a random biome from a set of 5 (currently 2.) Exit appears at the end of every floor, but reaching the exit on the 10th floor of a zone results in a WIN.


You always have 2 options at the exit, but the details change based on whether you're on the 10th floor of a zone or not:

  1. Quit (Fold/Cashout)
  2. Continue


Quitting on any floor but the 10th floor of a zone is considered folding, and results in a partial refund of your bet.

Quitting on the 10th floor is considered cashing out, and awards some multiplier of your initial bet.

Quitting permanently ends the run whether it is a fold or a cashout, but, canonically, your champion does not die if you quit.


You can continue a run for free on any floor but the final floor of a zone. Note that continuing is an irreversible choice, you will have to make it to the next exit for another opportunity to end a run by cashing out or folding. If your champion dies on the floor, the run is over forever, and your champion is dead (RIP.)

It is expected that you will have to bet again to continue into the next zone every 10th floor, but details of this are still being worked on.