3:13:57 AM
1 online


A chance to rest your head is a welcome opportunity.

Very few champions survive long enough to need a place to sleep in the dungeon, but those that do are grateful for the small camps prepared along the way. The camps have unfortunately become more dangerous lately, as their caretaker has gone missing.

Camp is a common landmark that can be found near the halfway point on any floor.


Resting will always recover 100% of your champion's HP. There is also a chance to dispel 1-2 Curses. In addition, there is a chance of being robbed while resting, which can steal up to 30% of your gold or 1 equip from your inventory. The chance of being robbed increases with your wealth (both gold and item wealth.)

Outcome Chance
Heal + Dispel 1 🎲🎲🎲🎲
Heal Only 🎲🎲
Heal + Dispel 2 🎲🎲


Scavenging will search up to 3 times for gold, equips, and relics. Gold is the most common thing, followed by equips, and finally relics. There is a small chance of getting hurt and losing 20-50% HP. The chance of getting hurt increases with your champion's total effective HP (HP + HP Potions.)

Outcome Chance
Nothing 🎲
1 thing 🎲🎲🎲🎲
2 things 🎲🎲
3 things 🎲